How to Create Smart Classroom Design that Promotes Active Learning?

Today’s education system has been facing many changes brought by innovative concepts and smart learning models. If your vision is only limited to c...

How Furniture Influence Learning – 3 Tips to Select the Right School Furniture

School furniture is an integral part of the learning process. It can bring a positive change in students’ comfort, posture, support, concentration ...

Five Ways That Help Kids To Be Creative And Successful

These days, it’s not uncommon for teachers to spend the bulk of their time focusing on STEM subjects: Science, technology, engineering, and math. ...

How Makerspaces Promote Collaboration and Creativity

Whether you’re building makerspaces in schools or makerspaces in libraries, these spaces offer a wide range of benefits to students, entrepreneurs,...

Designing Learning Spaces Where All Children Thrive

When classrooms don’t encourage natural conversation and don’t allow room for movement, it can be harder for students to work together, commit wha...

The Evolving Classroom. What's Next?

Over the years, educators and others have started to realize that not all students learn in the same way and that some teaching methods are not eff...

Does Esports Offer a Potential New Career Path?

Competitive video gaming, also known as esports, is quickly becoming one of the most popular sports for students of all ages, including high school...

The Impact of a Confident Learner

Research shows that there is a strong correlation between students’ confidence and their academic performance. If you’re a teacher looking to help ...

How Do We Move Indigenous Education Forward?

Read on to learn more about the current approach to indigenous and aboriginal education (as well as the flaws in this approach). You’ll also find s...

How Do We Mend Learning Loss?

Learning loss is a serious issue, and while a lot of teachers and parents are worried about it, there are still some who are convinced it’s not a b...

How Do We Bridge the Digital Divide?

The term “Digital Divide” refers to a lack of equality when it comes to computer and internet access.  When you and everyone in your network has fa...

What Is a Makerspace in a School?

Whether it’s in a school or a business office, the key to a successful Makerspace is for those who are using it to actually make something. This co...